Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging is a modality commonly used for localization, characterization and qualitative assessment of therapy response in a variety of malignancies. It is also the primary modality used by the Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) Iowa site for characterization of head and neck cancer.
The video above is a demonstration of how some of the tools developed in collaboration between the Iowa QIN and QIICR projects in 3D Slicer can be applied to normalize PET imaging data, localize the malignancy region with just a few clicks, and extract quantitative measures that can then be correlated with the clinically relevant descriptors. All of the tools shown are freely available as 3D Slicer extensions.
Interested in more details? Read our PeerJ preprint article. More to follow!
Andrey Fedorov OUTREACH
video demo