One of the QIICR activities at the RSNA 2015 was our first iteration of a “connectathon” exhibit at the RSNA Quantitative Imaging Reading Room to demonstrate interoperability of image segmentation results between academic and commercial platforms using DICOM. The scope of that exhibit is descibed in this poster, and has recently been highlighted in a Kitware blog article.
The video above is a screen recording demonstrating the process of interchange of segmentation results between 3D Slicer (DICOM communication layer powered by DCMTK) and Brainlab PDM 2.2. David Flade from Brainlab and myself worked on this video in the last days of RSNA, but only yesterday we finished resolving all the administrative hurdles to make it publicly available. This video is also now included in the DICOM interoperability playlist of the 3D Slicer YouTube channel. (many more educating and fun videos there for those interested in medical imaging, research and open source technology!)
QIICR is open to collaborations with any commercial vendor in improving interoperability, and refining the DICOM standard to support quantitative imaging biomarker development. Please see our RSNA poster to access the public test datasets and learn about the platforms we tested.
If you would like to join this connectathon activity next year with your DICOM-compatible software, please get in touch. We will be very happy to highlight many more successful examples of software integration, and improve interoperability across image analysis packages, both academic and commercial!
Andrey Fedorov OUTREACH
video demo